In compliance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) of May 25, 2018, as well as in the Organic Law of the Protection of Personal Data 15/1999 of December 13, we inform you that the personal data that you provide us will be incorporated and will be treated by Cablematic Dos Mil SLU under the following points:

  • The company Cablematic Dos Mil SLU undertakes to treat in a confidential manner the personal data provided by you and not to communicate or transfer this information to third parties without your prior consent, except legal imperative or in those cases that are necessary to maintain a valid commercial relationship.
  • To improve your experience while browsing our website, we collect a set of navigation data directly from third-party services, such as those provided by Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and other social networks.
  • This data will be located in these companies, although its use should be exclusive for Cablematic Dos Mil S.L.U in accordance with the policies of those companies.

Cablematic Dos Mil S.L.U. will use the personal data provided by you, to:

  • To be able to issue those documents necessary for the fulfillment of the legal obligations contracted with you and with the state. This data will be used in invoices, quotations, orders, telephone calls and electronic communications related to the services and products offered by Cablematic Dos Mil S.L.U.
  • To be able to keep you informed of the news and commercial campaigns promoted by our business unit. These campaigns may be through electronic communications, traditional mail and/or phone calls or other telematic ways.
  • In Cablematic Dos Mil S.L.U. your data will be kept for at least 5 years after your last purchase, as required by law. Personal data regarding electronic communications will be kept as long as you do not revoke your consent.

You can request access at any time to your personal data or, where appropriate, rectification or deletion, limitation of treatment in which case we will only keep them for the exercise or defense of claims, your opposition to it as well as their right to the portability of personal data. For this you can contact us through the following channels:

  • Personally at company offices, located at 61 Santander Street in Barcelona, ??at the business hours of the same, providing a copy of a valid ID
  • By mail to the company offices address at 61 Santander street in Barcelona, and including a copy of a valid ID
  • By email to attaching a copy of a valid ID

With the acceptance of the terms here expressed through some of the methods we offer for that purpose, such as: the buttons that the web will display in the user registration process or after identifying itself in it as a previously registered client, or through buttons or links incorporated in the emails that we send you or through your signature on printed forms or PDFs relating to the processing of personal data, you will be confirming that you have read, understood and accept these conditions so that Cablematic Dos Mil SLU, or, where appropiate, the third parties, may use your data for the purposes indicated above.