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Buy at Cablematic

Place an order

You can make an order on our website 24 hours per day and 365 days per year. If you've never bought in Cablematic press here to create your account: New customer. If you've already bought in Cablematic via web before, you were registered automatically in our website and you can make an order recovering your password. To do that press on Recover password.
You can call us at 934 987 113 during business hours and our qualified staff will take note of your order, and will advise you on the use and possibilities of the selected products.
Send us an email to with all your billing and contact details, noting the references and quantities you want. We will reply as soon as possible.
If you have never purchased at Cablematic before, we advise you to contact us by phone to proceed to register and apply the rate according to your client status. Your data or those of your company will be for the exclusive use of Cablematic.

Buy at Cablematic

Promotional codes

In the purchase process, after adding products to the shopping cart you can go to the cart and you will see a message where we ask if you have a promotional code.
Cablematic coupons, or promotional codes, are generated and included in the orders of some randomly chosen customers. The more orders you place with us, the more chances you will have to receive a coupon as a reward for your loyalty as a Cablematic customer.
There are two types of coupons: associated with a customer account or totally free to be used in any customer account. The system will notify you of the validity of a certain promotional code. Cablematic coupons can only be used on the website, and can not be requested by telephone, email or any other way than the web itself. The coupons are valid to be used only once and are not cumulative. All discount coupons are issued with an expiration date that appears on the coupon itself or voucher. Remember to take advantage of your discount as soon as possible.

Buy at Cablematic

Pricing policy

At Cablematic we have 2 rates

Price applied to customers (individuals or companies) that are NOT IT distributors or perform any activity related to technology.
Price that will be applied to clients that demonstrate an activity related to the IT sector, either at a distribution or service level.

Buy at Cablematic

Payment Methods

When selecting the payment by PayPal the system will give you access to the payment gateway, where you must enter your account and password. This data is entered in the secure payment gateway and Cablematic does not have access to this data. As soon as Cablematic receives the payment notification, we will send you a copy of your order by email. The payment by PayPal has additional charges that will be added to the order and the customer agrees to pay them when selecting this option.
When selecting the payment method by credit card the system will give you access to the payment gateway of CAIXABANK, where you must enter the data of the card. This data is entered in the secure payment gateway and Cablematic does not have access to this data. As soon as Cablematic receives the payment notification, we will send you a copy of your order by email.
If you pay by bank wire, we advise you to clearly state the sender (person or company) in the payment order. Send the proof to our email account, ( to speed up the delivery process of your order. Be sure to specify the correct IBAN account number (ES + 22 digits) to avoid errors in transferring or entering the account.

Płatności w EUR

IBAN: ES56 0182 4370 8602 0163 1036
Av.Diagonal, 662-664. 08034 Barcelona

IBAN: ES66 2100 0968 9102 0007 8094
Bailén, 30. 08010 Barcelona

IBAN: ES10 0049 7614 01 2110000046
Plaça Francesc Macià 3. 08021 Barcelona

ABANCA Corporación Bancaria, S.A.
IBAN: ES44 2080 1230 8730 4000 0719
Calle Girona, 27. 08402 Granollers

IBAN: ES28 0128 7615 6101 0000 1775
Av. Francesc Macià, 60, 4º3ª
Torre Millenium. 08208 Sabadell

ES89 0081 5084 0400 0160 2662
Av. de Sarrià, 19. 08029 Barcelona

Płatności w GBP

IBAN account: GB56BARC20060573228517
Sort code: 200605
Account number: 73228517
Registered office: 1 Churchill Place, London, E14 5HP

IBAN account: GB50EBUR23161874127064
Sort code: 231618
Account number: 74127064
Registered office: 100 Victoria Street | London SW1E 5JL, London - United Kingdom

Payment by credit or debit card will be accepted in person at our offices and for orders placed on our website. In physical orders in our facilities, the customer must be accredited as the owner of the card used for payment.
You can request bank draft and it will be our accounting department who will evaluate this request. To do this, you must send us the direct debit order (SEPA mandate), where Cablematic is authorized to make the charges in your IBAN bank account. The SEPA mandate must be signed by a representative of the company. By default, the due date will be 7 days from the date of issue of the invoice.
Cablematic will refund the amount paid in the same way as the one paid. If you can not use the same way, alternative solutions will be sought to make the refund. We do not make vouchers for next purchases. For payments by transfer to a customer's bank account, customer must complete a bank account certification.

Already ordered

Transport and delivery

Delivery from 1 to 3 days, after order's payment confirmation.
Delivery from 3 to 5 days, after order's payment confirmation.
In case the customer arranges his own transport or courier company it is the responsibility of the customer to manage the collection of the order, respecting the delivery schedules that Cablematic provides. Cablematic will not be responsible for damages, theft or loss of packages caused by transport agencies contracted directly by the customer. The material sent through the transport agency is delivered in perfect condition, revised and packed to make it arrive in the best possible conditions.

Already ordered

Picking center

If you go directly to our facilities, you can also place your orders in our store where the qualified technical staff of Cablematic will advise you on your shopping needs or on the different options that you propose.
Our business hours of telephone attention and collection of material is from Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., uninterrupted.
In order to provide you with the most modern solutions in terms of product distribution, we offer the so-called Dropshipment or shipping to third parties. Our customers and distributors can send orders to their customers without having to stock all products in our catalog.
This is possible because at Cablematic we can send products directly to your final customers, always with maximum anonymity, without our usual packaging or our logo as well as without identification documents, such as order forms, delivery notes, invoices, etc. where we can be identified. Your customers will receive a standard box and a delivery note without any logo and without being valued. You will receive the invoice by email.

Already ordered

Right of withdrawal

Attn Cablematic Dos Mil S.L.U.,

Hereby I inform you that I give up my contract of sale of the following goods and I bring the following information:
  • Product.
  • Date of receipt of the product.
  • Buyer's name.
  • Buyer's address.
  • Buyer's signature (only if this form is submitted on paper).
  • Withdrawal date.
In an effort to offer a better service to the customer, Cablematic extends the term of return of products, beyond the legal obligation to desist within 14 calendar days, from the reception of the order. Cablematic provides this service in an entirely optional way, although at a cost to the client.

The customer can make the return within a period of 100 additional days, from the end of the legal withdrawal period (14 calendar days). In other words, the client can exercise the right of withdrawal without cost, within the first 14 calendar days from the receipt of the order. And you can also exercise the withdrawal with cost, within days 15 to 114 from the reception of the order. From day 115 from the reception of the order, Cablematic will not accept any return.

Conditions for the special extension:

  • The product must be in perfect condition (like new).
  • The product must still be cataloged in Cablematic.
  • Cablematic must confirm the acceptance of the optional return. The acceptance of the return by Cablematic, does not guarantee the final refund of the product. It will depend on the state in which it is received.
  • The material must reach Cablematic within a period not exceeding 7 calendar days from the acceptance of the optional return by Cablematic.
  • The return costs are paid by the customer.
  • Formula for the calculation of the optional return price: PRICE x ((114 - DAYS) / 100). PRICE is the purchase price. DAYS are the days elapsed from the reception until the return acceptance by Cablematic.
  • It is an optional service that Cablematic has no obligation to offer.

Already ordered


When purchasing a product make sure it is really what you want. If the products are not what you ordered or what you expected to receive, keep the manuals and packaging intact to proceed with the return of the product in the same state in which it was delivered and, in case of having any type of seal, do not open it
We recommend that you contact our commercial department immediately to advise you. We will not accept products that are not delivered in the same state that the customer received them, that is, with all the manuals, packaging and other components of the product intact. Cablematic not apply any charge for returns within 14 days from the invoice date, and neither request explanations about the return, regardless of the guarantee that also enjoys the product. We want satisfied and convinced customers with the product they have received.
Returns of products ordered specifically for the customer will not be accepted. Furthermore when the product complies with all the features required by the customer, there being no cause attributable to Cablematic to make such return.
The warranty of the products is two years from the invoice date. To carry out a repair or replacement of the product, please contact our commercial department that will advise you on how to proceed with the shipment of the supposedly defective products. The warranty on the repaired or replaced products is six months from the date stated on the waybill or repair bill, but only for what caused the repair or replacement of the product.